Sunday Times Secondary School of the Year 2023

St. Mary's Grammar School

Internal Assessments

In St. Mary’s, we recognise assessment as an integral part of the teaching and learning process.

Assessment complements and reinforces the delivery and evaluation of the school curriculum and contributes to improving educational outcomes for all pupils. Assessment enables the school to monitor the progress of individual pupils and different groups of pupils within the school. It also encourages pupils to take responsibility for learning by evaluating their own progress, identifying strengths and areas for improvement and setting personal targets. Assessment also encourages pupils to acquire important study skills, habits and attitudes which should stand them in good stead for undertaking future external assessments in school and beyond, including skills such as time management, independent learning and effective revision.

As a school, we advocate a constructive approach to assessment and encourage pupils to develop a positive mindset in relation to assessment. We do not regard assessment simply as a determiner of success or failure but as an ongoing process of evaluation and improvement involving pupils, their teachers and their parents/guardians. We believe that assessment is something that should be done with pupils rather than something that is done to them. We recognise that assessment has the potential to make a positive contribution to pupils’ confidence, esteem and self-belief. It should be used to motivate and engage pupils, and to develop within pupils the determination, perseverance and resilience to cope with disappointment and setbacks.


Throughout the year at Key Stage 3, pupils will complete four assessments in some subjects and two assessments in other subjects as outlined in the table below.

The number of assessments completed in each subject is based on the time allocated to subjects within the Key Stage 3 curriculum and takes account of the practical nature of particular subjects.  Subjects with four assessments will include two assessments in the form of examinations (Assessment 2 and Assessment 4). 

Assessment 2 will take place during a timetabled period of internal examinations in November/December each year and Assessment 4 will take place during a timetabled period of internal examinations in May/June of each year. 

Assessment tasks will vary between subjects and may include project work, group activities or other tasks with a skills-based focus. 

Pupils will be given advance notice of assessment dates/deadlines for each subject and will be asked to record this information in the Student Planner. 

English Art
French Digital Technology
Geography Drama
History Home Economics
Irish Music
Mathematics Technology
Religious Education



 Throughout the year at Key Stage 4 pupils will complete three assessments in each subject and at Key Stage 5, pupils will complete four assessments in each subject. 

Assessment 2 will take place during a timetabled period of internal examinations in November/December each year and will take the form of a ‘mock examination’. 

Assessment tasks will vary between subjects and may include controlled assessment, project work, group activities, essay tasks or written examinations.   

Pupils will be given advance notice of assessment dates/deadlines for each subject and will be asked to record this information in the Student Planner.


 If a pupil is absent for an internal examination during the internal examination period, an ‘Absent’ mark will be recorded for each examination missed, unless the absence is due to an exceptional circumstance and alternative arrangements for the completion of an examination have been approved by the Principal.

As a school, we understand that, occasionally, exceptional circumstances may arise which impact on a pupil’s ability to complete an examination.  In such circumstances, we aim to be sensitive to individual situations whilst maintaining fairness in the interests of all pupils. We may, therefore, consider requests from parents/guardians for alternative arrangements to be made for their son/daughter to complete an examination due to an exceptional circumstance.  An exceptional circumstance is generally considered to be an unavoidable or unforeseen situation beyond the control of the pupil and/or his/her parents/guardians.  Such circumstances might include, for example, serious illness or injury, personal/family problems or bereavement.

The following, for example, would not be regarded to be an exceptional circumstance:

  • external examinations e.g. music, speech and drama, driving tests;
  • routine medical/dental appointments;
  • family holidays; or
  • participation in events / activities / competitions outside of school


 The school will provide parents/guardians with a minimum of two progress reports for their son/daughter each year.  Only one report will take the form of a written report, including a written comment from each subject teacher, the Form Teacher, the Head of Year and the Principal, while all other reports will the form of data reports.      

Data reports will contain information in relation to pupil targets and assessment outcomes at a given point in the academic year.

In addition to teacher comments, written reports will contain information in relation to pupil targets and assessment outcomes at a given point in the academic year.

 The school’s Progress Reports to Parents model is outlined in the following table: 

 Key Stage

 Approximate Date of Report

 Type of Report


 Information Provided in Report



Key Stage 3


Data Report

Progress Report 1: Data relating to pupil performance in assessments and internal examinations in Term 1

End of June

Written Report

Progress Report 2: Data relating to pupil performance in assessments in Term 2 and 3 and teacher comments


Key Stage 4

Early February

Written Report

Progress Report 1: Data relating to pupil performance in internal examinations and teacher comments


Data Report

Progress Report 2: Data relating to pupil performance in CM 3



Key Stage 5

Early November

Data Report

Progress Report 1: Data relating to pupil performance in CM 1 assessments

Early February

Written Report

Progress Report 2: Data relating to pupil performance in internal examinations and teacher comments

Early March

Data Report

Progress Report 3: Data relating to pupil performance in CM 3 and CM4 assessments

